Clothing and Product Donations

We gratefully accept donations of all good quality clothing (casual, work, and formal) from individuals, companies, and retailers. We ask that clothing donations be new or in near-new condition, and toiletries and make-up donations be new and unopened please.

Donations of workwear, toiletries, and make-up are gifted to our clients, as part of our clothing and styling services.

Donations of casual, formal, and designer wear are sold as part of our social enterprise activities, including our retail store, which is open to the community. Funds raised from these activities are critical to enabling us to run our programs and help more clients.

We are always looking for new fashion partners (fashion retailers / brands) to donate their unsold stock at the end of the season. We are able to provide a donation acknowledgement receipt for all donations.


Wish List

While we are frequently overwhelmed with the generosity of our community clothing donors, there are some items we are currently in need of to support our clients and sustainability. Our current wish list is:

High Need Wish List Items

• Lipstick and Lipgloss

• Blush

• Eyeliner

• Eyebrow make-up

• Highlighter / Bronzer

• Liquid Foundation

• Men’s underwear (trunks or boxer briefs)

• Men’s shoes

• Mini bottles of hand sanitiser

• Nail polish

• Razors, spare blades, and shaving foam

• Small bottles of shower gel

• Small perfumes

• Soap

• Men’s socks (plain colours)

• Neutral eye shadow

• Neutral, pink, and red lipstick / lip gloss

• Toiletry bags

• Women’s shoes

Other Wish List Items

• Combs / brushes

• Deodorant

• Hand cream

• Period products

• Small bottles of shampoo and conditioner

• Small bottles of body lotion

• Toothbrushes and toothpaste

If you can help with providing or purchasing any of these items please contact

Making a Clothing or Product Donation

We are currently accepting clothing donations once a month. For the safety of our team, please donate only clean items, in closed / sealed bags or boxes. Please ensure each box / bag weighs under 7kgs.

We are not able to accept clothing that is dirty, stained, ripped, or showing other signs of wear and tear (including used undergarments of any type). We recommend other forms of textile recycling for this type of clothing. We are also unable to accept shoe boxes or hangers, as we do not have the facilities to recycle these items.

Please ensure that any clothing donations are new or in near-new condition, and toiletry / make-up donations are new and unopened.

Our next Drop off Day will be:

  • Saturday 27th April: 10am - 2pm

There is a loading bay directly outside our building. Our address is 2/47 Anderson St, Fortitude Valley. Please do not bring clothing donations to our Retail Store (located at 5/20 King St, Bowen Hills).

If these dates do not suit you, please email

We are a small charity and do not have access to a truck and driver, so we are unable to collect clothing. Can't get to us on Drop Off Day? You can also courier or post items to 2/47 Anderson Street, Fortitude Valley, QLD, 4006